today should be a wonderful day. let's see outside ! so much cloud above us. it's going to rain. jakarta is as cold as bandung.
something that i wonder is how possible jakarta has got its autumn yesterday and today also. with the fragrance of angsana's flower. i do really enjoy that.
and when my mind is pushed to think about her, to crazy about her. it was ridicolous and fun deeply inside. looking at the eraly sun covered by the cloudy and thinking what doea the sun feel like. does it feel like am i fee know ? when i feel so much desire to have some convesation and some gazes only with my desirable houri. o my houri, do you feel same the way i feel now ?
it's all within my loneliness. companiying by the sounds of mellowful song. and also wiith all of my dreams. i've just realize that i suppposed to be a tough one. no fear. as my ordinary thoughts:
deep insight, deep inside !